Human and Animal Bond : Benefits of Having a Pet



Whether you have a dog, cat, or anything in between, pet ownership can be adventurous. Pets can also be a company through the stress or isolation during this coronavirus pandemic - this may be why many of us are turning to a furry friend to help us endure this challenging time in history.

For many during the loneliness of pandemic, pets have provided emotional support and a sense of security. Also, the attachment with our pets is vital for healthy human development. It can be a psychological intervention to a wide range of emotional problems including depression, anxiety, grief, trauma, eating disorders, sleeping schedules and substance abuse.

Bonding is an essential survival strategy for human beings. We do bond with our pets and it triggers an increased level of oxytocin, also known as the 'love hormone'. Caring for pets provides a consistent routine of walking, feeding, playing etc. at certain times of the day. Creating and following a regular schedule helps us restoring our confidence and certainty. Pets have a positive impact on the lives of their owners. If you're still on the fence about whether or not you should adopt a pet, here are 10 reasons why you need one in your life. 

Owning a pet can boost your mood

Playing with a dog, a cat, or any other pet can bring pleasure and help boost your morale, optimism, and sense of self worth. Stroking your pet can help you quickly feel calmer and less stressed. Spending time with your pets can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine. 

A pet can make you a better person

Having a pet can make people more agreeable to be around and improve your relationships with others. It is believed that people who care for animals have better social skills and exhibit less violent behaviour.

They help you through hard times

Pets provide hope when life gets rough. The unconditional love of a pet can help you give more emotional resilience.

Pets encourage laughter

They can make it far easier to see the brighter side of things from laughing at your own dog's clumsy frolics to cracking up at funny animal videos on youtube. These videos positively influences the emotions of the viewers even if they don't have a pet.

If you're in a relationship, a pet can make you both happier.

Owning a pet together can improve the quality of your relationship. Seeing your partner demonstrate their emotional traits, such as care and compassion can be extremely attractive. Also, couples not staying together and having pets can give each other a lot of contents about their pets.

They make you more responsible

Being responsible for keeping another living creature happy and healthy along with yourself is a big commitment. Having pets is a great way to teach children about responsibility and ensuring to help the pet adjust into its new family.

Pets help in increasing productivity

Animals can inspire people in various ways. Having one with yourself can increase your productivity. Your pets can help fulfill your creative potential by increasing your mental and emotional well being.

They make you less lonely

Having a pet means you will always have a companion to spend time with at home. Dog owners in particularly are more likely to interact with other people while taking their dogs for a walk.

They offer unconditional love

A pet can make you realize what true love is. They care for you no matter who you are or what you have done and you will always matter to them. Even if you feel unstable in your human relationships, you will never have to question the security of your relationship with your pet.

Pets make you happy

It is true fact that having a pet can make you feel happier. Waking up in the morning with enthusiasm and a wider smile with a feeling of purpose, to adopting healthier habits, pets can never be disappointing.