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Human and Animal Bond : Benefits of Having a Pet

    Whether you have a dog, cat, or anything in between, pet ownership can be adventurous. Pets can also be a company through the stress or isolation during this coronavirus pandemic - this may be why many of us are turning to a furry friend to help us endure this challenging time in history. For many during the loneliness of pandemic, pets have provided emotional support and a sense of security. Also, the attachment with our pets is vital for healthy human development. It can be a psychological intervention to a wide range of emotional problems including depression, anxiety, grief, trauma, eating disorders, sleeping schedules and substance abuse. Bonding is an essential survival strategy for human beings. We do bond with our pets and it triggers an increased level of oxytocin, also known as the 'love hormone'. Caring for pets provides a consistent routine of walking, feeding, playing etc. at certain times of the day. Creating and following a regular schedule helps us restoring

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